Mar 4, 2009

Embalming Theatre + TortureIncident - Split-Organ(2005)

Death Brutal Grindcore ~ Switzerland/Malaysia

Embalming Theatre -

Pat E. - Bass
Esop Moced (Marco Gemmet) - Vocals
A. Dice - Guitar
P. Halous - Guitar
Li Quescent - Drums

Torture Incident -

Shahrol - Vocals
Reza - Bass
Jas - Guitar
Dek - Drums

Embalming Theatre
1.Rape The Cadaver

2.Buried Alive I: Undead In The Morgue

3.Shoes Made of Human Skin

4.Someone Else In My Coffin

5.Patricide. Fratricide. Suicide.

6.Dead, Stolen, Hacked-Up And Raped

7.Smell of The Mummified Baby

8.We Ate Daddy

9.Fear of Napalm (TERRORIZER cover)

Torture Incident
10.Fuck The Rest Who Act Like Shit

11.Slowly Rotting

12.Massacre Beast Master

13.Ignorance Alive

14.Mortar Assault

15.Aggresive Dog Attack

16.Consumed By Hate


18.Seeing Nothing, Believing Nothing

19.Intro, Morbid (WARSORE cover)

20.Raised In Misery (DEMISOR cover)


Myspace E.T

Myspace T.I

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